Tag Archives: Eminent

Eminent Domain – The Rich Get Richer

www.mslaw.edu Was Justice Sandra Day O’Connor right when she asserted that it was the wealthy and influential who would benefit from eminent domain at the direct expense of small property owners? In this installment of “Books of Our Time,” Dean Lawrence R. Velvel of the Massachusetts School of Law interviews Steven Greenhut, a reporter for the Orange County Register and author of “Abuse Of Power How The Government Misuses Eminent Domain”. The full interview is available at tinyurl.com . The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslawledu. MSLAW podcasts are available on itunes (just search for mslaw) and at mslaw.libsyn.com MSLAW videos can also be found on Google.

Insight’s in Law: Eminent domain or condemnation, when government seizes a citizen’s property.

The power of the government to seize a citizen’s private property with or without their consent is the process of condemnation or eminent domain. In this weekly video series “insights in law”, we will discuss what should you expect, what the process entails and what your legal rights are. To learn more, visit our website at aldrichlegalservices.com or call today to set up your free 30 minute consultation at (734)404-3000.

BJ Lawrence on Eminent Domain Pt. 2 at St. Louis Area Campaign for Liberty October 2009

BJ Lawrence, concerned citizen and grandmother, has taken upon herself to stand up to the abuses of government and the Missouri Municipal League (MML) in the areas of Eminent Domain along with Missouri Citizens for Property Rights. www.mo-cpr.org momunicipalleague.blogspot.com BJ also works with Dr. Angela Basham Ph.D in an effort to eliminate personal property tax in the state of Missouri. Dr. Basham also spoke at the meeting and her videos are also on this channel. mopropertytaxelimination.blogspot.com pacificmoelectionsapr2006.blogspot.com

Part 4: World of Jimmy Star Grand Castle Showrooms Eminent Domain Land Grab

Corrupt City of Pompano Beach County Commissioners….Factual information on the eminent domain case The City Of Pompano Beach Redevelopment Agency VS Gil Eriksen Properties….citing all the illegal actions and corruption in City Of Pompano Beach government,specifically the CRA and Pompano Beach City Commission…forcing the closure of The World of Jimmy Star Grand Castle Showrooms and Entertainment Complex in December 2006…directed by Drew Albright…CONTACT US AT

Eminent Domain Abuse. October 2009: Montgomery County Denies Restraining Order

AG Doug Gansler and Montgomery County Judge Mary Beth McCormick felt a work stoppage at $40000 loss per day outweighed the potential for an accident even though earthmovers and trucks came within inches of hitting pedestrians. Judge McCormick granted free hotel stays for 6800 Garrett Road residents and improved safety measures by the SHA despite turning down the restraining order request by Mike Vechery. The state and Montgomery County continue to put people in imminent danger with the ICC. Neighbors have been purchased, the park and the Ride on bus are no longer accessible, and safety and pollution will be cataclysmic leaving Mike Vechery and his home to be wiped out. 2 lawsuits against MD have been filed-1st one is the illegal purchase of the road in front of 6800 Garrett with no notice or payment and the 2nd is for “Constructive Condemnation”. The SHA’s Neil Pedersen, Melinda Peters, and Wes Mitchell do not even follow Maryland’s “Rights and Benefits Handbook” regarding property/partial purchases corruptly avoiding purchases by devious and illegal practices. The ICC’s own quarterly brochures regarding compensation are a total fabrication as well. The SHA and their illegal business must be stopped at once. Governor Martin O’Malley and AG Doug Gansler must change the SHA environment.

Help! stop eminent domain eviction during cancer Part2

Hello, I am professor Grace. I have metastatic ACC cancer that has spread to my lungs & liver. Indiana Dept. of Transportation (INDOT) is planning to evict me & my husband from our home through eminent domain. We will have nowhere to go because we don’t qualify for a new home loan. Imagine the living nightmare of being consumed by cancer while INDOT consumes my haven for survival: my property & home. They are evicting us by July 15, 2010 to build another Bypass, HWY 231, less than 2 miles from the existing one. Purdue University is the silent abeiter in this. They have complete control from conception to deception, and Purdue President Cordova refused to intercede or mediate, eventhough I am a tenured Purdue Univ. Professor. There will be more videos on YouTube; this is Part 1, as this story has more parts, and this is where things are at today. I want to thank Purdue Univ. faculty, staff & students (of FLL & beyond) for their love, concern & generosity in fundraising for our legal defense against INDOT’s double lawsuits & eviction, including an upcoming 5K run. I also want to thank people from around the world who have written me after reading my blog at helpgratefulgrace.wordpress.com & on helpgratefulgrace Facebook.

Scorched Earth: Eminent Domain Abuse in the Gardens of Mount Holly

The township of Mount Holly, NJ, has been systematically destroying the Gardens—a close-knit community of over 300 garden-style row homes—for the past decade. Officials want to hand the property over to Keating Urban Partners, for luxury townhomes and apartments. This is what happens when eminent domain is abused for private gain.