Tag Archives: business relocation benefits

Eminent Domain, Condemnation, Relocation, and Compensation Workshop


Property and  Business Owners Learn About Eminent Domain

Businesses and property owners in Battle Ground, Washington facing eminent domain, condemnation, and relocation caused by a highway widening, are getting help by attending an Eminent Domain Workshop.

 Whether a business is relocating, or a property owner or business is reconfiguring their existing location, the best practices for getting compensation for their costs from the government agency are similar.  To cover both subjects, this workshop has been designed as follows:

 The goals of the workshop are to:

  1. Help participants prepare a plan that is best for them using the knowledge of what compensation, or benefits are, and are not, available to them from the public agency
  2. Improve what items and amounts will be paid to them from the public agency
  3. Minimize business downtime
  4. Minimize their time spent on the eminent domain process

 The  agenda for this three-hour workshop follows:

  • How to plan based on knowledge of which costs are eligible and ineligible for payment from the public agency
  • Learn the importance of staying within the eminent domain guidelines
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of common mistakes made in eminent domain
  • How to plan, prepare, and submit costs to improve the approval and compensation of costs from the public agency
  • How to plan to minimize downtime, and be paid, by the public agency for the extra costs related to minimizing downtime
  • Learn what to do, and not do yourself. When, where, and who to seek for assistance, and who will the public agency pay for assisting you
  • Questions and answers on your situation


Purpose of Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to give these businesses and property owners a condensed education about the eminent domain process, more than would be received from other sources, so participants can make informed decisions.  The workshop will not cover all of the details and decisions that will face each individual, however, participants will receive valuable, relevant, and usable information that will improve their outcome with the eminent domain process well beyond the value of their time and cost of the workshop.

 An additional and important advantage for the workshop participants is they will begin networking together, which will help them compare notes during the eminent domain process, to help maintain consistent treatment.  This is helpful because, as much as they try, the public agency does not always treat everyone the same.  This particularly happens when the agency has several agents working on the project, agents are reassigned to other projects, or because the agents do not fully understand your needs or situation.

 Martyn guarantees each participant’s satisfaction of attending the workshop with a full refund at the end of the workshop to anyone not satisfied.

Are you and your neighbors facing eminent domain?

Improved Eminent domain success can be achieved by attending a workshop.   You can also participate in the design of a workshop for your group’s specific needs, location, and situation.  Businesses and property owners will be more successful with eminent domain when they begin planning early, before they loose their options and benefits while waiting.